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Book Three Coming Soon!

Our goal was to release Book Three, "Badge of the Desert Sage" on Valentine's day--because the book features the pagan festival of...

Do you even read, Bro?

Our books can be found in Amazon's "dark comedy," "occult," and "witches & wizards" categories. We have had a lot of fun discovering...

Casting Calls!

Which current actors would you cast to play the following recurring characters: Scotty, Kevin, Heintz, and Morticia? We would love to...

The Decatur Daily

Here is a link to an interview we did with Catherine Godbey of The Decatur Daily newspaper. She did a great job! We appreciate her...

Fun Facts About Our Books

Hi All! Just thought I'd have some fun feeding you a spoonful of insider info about some of our characters, books, and our writing...

New Blog Format

Now you can subscribe to this blog and receive automatic updates without having to visit our website. You can also read this blog on our...

Not to brag but . . .

I wrote Book Two while also fighting the Great Pee War of '18 in my living room. I have two male dogs. Then my husband brought home...

Book Two Coming Soon!

Hey Kids! We have been hard at work writing our next masterpiece. Just kidding. We don't do 'masterpieces.' We do whatever we can sell on...

We're as surprised as you are.

So, this all started about a month ago--on October 15th, to be exact. November is National Novel Writing Month and, after a few false...


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